Monday, August 10, 2009

USO Operation Care Package

The Maryland delegation and I were invited by the USO to assist in Operation Care Package at BWI. USO-Metro is a private non profit organization that contrary to popular believe receives no funding from the federal, state or local governments. As a service to those who serve our nation, they provide such services as operating airport lounges (the largest in the area is at BWI), emergency housing, family support centers, food assistance, hospital servics and other programs in the area's military communities.

The care packages are stuffed with essentials such as toilet paper and qtips, snacks as well as entertainment (i.e. magazines) at the only warehouse of its kind in Ft. Belvoir, VA. If you are in that area I highly recommend volunteering at the warehouse. The response from the troops, men and women of every age, from various parts of the nation and all possessing a deep passion for service, was extraordinary.

To be honest, I was scared to strike up conversation. My first instinct when chatting with someone at the airport is "Where are you headed?" But I already knew, most were going to Afghanistan. But they were the ones that looked so warm and welcomed the dialogue.

Can't wait to volunteer with them again. Photos below are of my sister queens at the USO lounge and checking in with Captain Steve Bursick from Davis Monthan AFB in AZ and friends. What more can I say but "Thank you."

1 comment:

  1. As a former member of the US Army I can appreciate the time you and the Maryland delegation donated to the USO. After reading your article it encouraged me to volunteer my time to aid the USO in however they can use me. Please continue the good work and God's blessing be with you always.
